![图片[1]-The Guardian Weekly-卫报周刊2023.12.08期下载PDF电子版网盘订阅-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站](https://e-magazines.top/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/The-Guardian-Weekly-–-Vol.-209-No.-23-8-December-2023_00-424x550.png)
本期封面:Cop28 的白日梦:12 月 8 日《卫报》周刊内幕第 28 届缔约方大会在迪拜举行,目前进展顺利,但仍难以调和在石油大国的故乡举行的气候会议的奇怪景象。许多 Cop 资深人士认为,化石燃料公司必须成为净零解决方案的一部分,但 Cop28 主席 Sultan Al Jaber(同时也是阿拉伯联合酋长国国家石油公司 Adnoc 的首席执行官)发表的言论加剧了其他人的怀疑。认为逐步淘汰化石燃料没有科学依据。
Cop28’s pipe dream: inside the 8 December Guardian Weekly.Cop28 in Dubai is now well under way, but it remains difficult to reconcile the odd spectacle of a climate conference in the home of big oil. Fossil fuel companies must be part of the net zero solution, argue many Cop veterans, but the scepticism of others has been compounded by Cop28 president Sultan Al Jaber – also the chief executive of the United Arab Emirates’ state oil company, Adnoc – airing his view that there is no scientific basis for phasing out fossil fuels.
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