![图片[1]- 玛戈的金钱烦恼-Margo’s Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站](https://e-magazines.top/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Margos_got_money_troubles_-_Rufi_Thorpe_00-425x550.webp)
“一位作家写的一部大胆、滑稽、完全不可预测的小说,如此独特,以至于很难将她与其他人进行比较……绝对精彩。一个大胆、捧腹大笑、有趣且感人的故事,讲述了一位年轻女性在我们日益网络化的世界中试图度过成年、新妈妈和她微薄的银行账户的故事——来自 PEN Faulkner 决赛选手和广受好评的 The Knockout 作者 Queen.As Hooters 女服务员和前职业摔跤手的孩子,Margo Millet 一直知道她必须靠自己。因此,她进入了当地的初级学院,尽管她无法想象自己将如何谋生。她仍在想办法,从未打算与她的英语教授有染——虽然婚外情很短暂,但还不足以阻止她怀孕。尽管大家都建议,她还是决定留下这个孩子,主要是出于天真和对更大事物的渴望。现在,20 岁的 Margo 独自带着一个婴儿,失业,濒临被驱逐。她需要现金注入——快。当她疏远的父亲金克丝出现在她家门口并要求搬到她家时,她同意了,以换取照顾孩子的帮助。然后玛戈开始制定一个计划:她将开始一个 OnlyFans 作为实验,并很快发现自己从摔跤世界中改编了金克斯的一些建议。就像如何塑造一个引人注目的角色并让你的观众爱上你一样。在不知不觉中,她已经把它变成了一个巨大的成功。这可能是 Margo 所有问题的答案,还是网络名气的代价太高了?Margo’s Got Money Troubles 非常有趣且充满敏锐的洞察力,是一个温柔的故事,由一位可爱的年轻女主角主演,她正在努力从一个几乎没有兴趣给她的世界夺取金钱和权力。这是对讲故事和控制自己叙事的艺术的有趣而诚实的审视,也是一幅关于在线和离线进入自己的强大肖像。
- 全书名:玛戈的金钱烦恼
- 作者姓名:鲁菲·索普
- 书籍类型:成人, 成人小说, 小妞, 现代, 小说, 幽默, 文学小说
- ISBN # 9780063356580
- ASIN # 0063356589
- 版本语言: English
- 发布日期:6月 11, 2024
- PDF 文件大小: 2.2 MB
- EPUB 文件大小: 1.9 MB
“The warmth of Thorpe’s tone, together with the thoroughness of her imagination and the artfulness of her pacing, means that skepticism is kept at bay. She sells us on both the characters and the plot . . . [in] this enormously entertaining and lovable book.” — Nick Hornby, New York Times Book Review
“The feel-good novel we need right now. . . . Margo’s Got Money Troubles is fiery while at the same time darkly funny . . . With Margo, Thorpe has given us a heroine to cheer for as she zigs and zags through a clothing-optional world, creating a brand-new life driven by age-old intelligence and motherly love.” — The Washington Post
“Beyond Thorpe’s strong characters and tight plots, what sets her apart from her peers is the gnawing philosophical tension that rests at the center of her books. . . . Thorpe’s novels defy easy categorization. Her characters’ radiant energy and her books’ knotted plots don’t align with the moody atmosphere and tone poem quality of most contemporary literary fiction. Yet, these novels remain more intense and rigorous than most upmarket women’s fiction. It’s exhilarating to find an author who wants to tell you a good yarn, but also ask a lot of complicated questions.” — Lauren LeBlanc, Los Angeles Times