![图片[1]-【亚马逊畅销书】稀缺大脑:修复你的渴求心态,重塑你的习惯-Scarcity Brain: Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站](https://e-magazines.top/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Scarcity_Brain_Fix_Your_Craving_Mindset_-_Michael_Easter_00-425x550.webp)
迈克尔·伊斯特(Michael Easter)是《舒适危机》(The Comfort Crisis)的作者,也是世界领先的行为改变专家之一,他表明问题不在于你。问题是你的稀缺心态,是我们古代祖先遗留下来的。他们必须不断寻找和消费才能生存,因为食物、物质商品、信息和权力等重要的生存工具稀缺且难以找到。但是,随着我们现代人能够轻松满足我们对更多事物的古老渴望,我们天生的“稀缺大脑”现在适得其反。新技术和新制度——从约会和娱乐应用程序到我们的食品和经济系统——正在利用我们的稀缺性大脑。他们用颠覆性的“稀缺线索”轰炸我们,这些微妙的触发因素导致我们陷入低回报的渴望,从长远来看会伤害我们。稀缺性线索可以是直接的、包罗万象的,就像经济下滑一样。或者它们可能是微妙和轻微的,就像我们的邻居买一辆闪亮的新车一样。
- 全书名称:稀缺大脑:修复你的渴望心态,重新连接你的习惯,让足够多的人茁壮成长
- 作者姓名:迈克尔·复活节
- 书籍类型:健康, 心理健康, 非小说类, 个人发展, 心理学, 自助
- 国际标准书号# 9780593236628
- ASIN # 0593236629
- 版本语言:英语
- 出版日期:9月 26, 2023
- PDF 文件大小: 6.1 MB
- EPUB 文件大小: 5.8 MB
“This book is for anyone desperate to break the cycle of doom scrolling, constant cravings, and the relentless drive for more—more validation, more sugar, more money, more stuff. Scarcity Brain reveals the biological and evolutionary foundations behind your brain’s fixations, so you can stop seeking and start living.” —Melissa Urban, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Boundaries
“Michael Easter brings to light that our challenges with behavior change can be better understood—and conquered—if we know how driven we are by our scarcity mindset. With deep science-backed insights, personal stories, practical guidance, and a relatable approach, Easter’s book is for anyone interested in embarking on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with the goal of living a healthier, more satisfying, and actualized life.” —Juliet Starrett & Dr. Kelly Starrett, New York Times bestselling authors of Built to Move