【亚马逊畅销书】在广播中:NPR的胜利与动荡 On Air: The Triumph and Tumult of NPR by Steve Oney-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站置顶
【亚马逊畅销书】冻伤:制冷如何改变我们的食物、我们的星球和我们自己 Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
新冷战:中国的崛起、俄罗斯的入侵和美国保卫西方的斗争 New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend the West by David E. Sanger – eBook Details-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
【亚马逊畅销书】为什么我们记住:释放内存的力量以保留重要的东西 Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory’s Power to Hold on to What Matters by Charan Ranganath-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
【亚马逊畅销书】人生简报:无悔生活的剧本The Life Brief: A Playbook for No-Regrets Living by Bonnie Wan-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
如何了解一个人:深入观察他人并让他人深入观察你的艺术 How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
【亚马逊畅销书】死钱 Dead Money by Jakob Kerr-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
【亚马逊新书】美丽丑陋 Beautiful Ugly by Alice Feeney-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
【亚马逊】挑战者:太空边缘英雄主义和灾难的真实故事 Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
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资本主义出了什么问题 What Went Wrong with Capitalism by Ruchir Sharma-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站
【亚马逊畅销书】肯尼迪阴谋:杀死肯尼迪的秘密阴谋——以及为什么它失败The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy-and Why It Failed by Brad Meltzer-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站