![图片[1]-利用你周围人隐藏的智慧,在领导力和生活中取得意想不到的突破–Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership and Life by Jeff Wetzler-易外刊-英语外刊杂志电子版PDF下载网站](https://e-magazines.top/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Ask_Tap_Into_the_Hidden_Wisdom_of_People_-_Jeff_Wetzler_00-425x550.webp)
成人发展和学习的全球专家 Jeff Wetzler 提供了一种动手实践的、非常有效的方法来了解他人的真实想法,做出更明智的决定,并取得商业成功——教授如何使共享信息(尤其是关于什么不起作用的负面信息)的途径尽可能安全和简单。很多时候,我们不知道别人的想法,因为我们不知道如何以正确的方式提出正确的问题。Transcend 的联合创始人兼前 Teach for America 执行官 Jeff Wetzler 想向您展示如何解决这个问题。在 Ask 中,他为您带来了一份对话指南,该指南基于一个简单的问题,即学习如何询问其他人他们真正的想法、知识和感受是改变游戏规则的。Wetzler 揭示了五种做法,每一种都回答了一个基本 Ask 的技能和信息再及时不过了。无论环境是大型公司、非营利组织、学区还是小型企业,组织内部的人员都需要帮助来学习以更高效的方式沟通和提取信息。
- 全书名:提问:利用周围人隐藏的智慧,在领导力和生活中取得意想不到的突破
- 作者姓名:杰夫·韦茨勒
- 书籍类型:商业, 领导力, 非小说类
- ISBN # 9780306832697
- ASIN # 0306832690
- 版本语言: English
- 发布日期:5月 7, 2024
- PDF 文件大小: 17 MB
- EPUB 文件大小: 16 MB
“I am delighted to provide a few opening thoughts for this remarkable new book about the challenge of learning what we most need to know from the people around us….In this readable, compassionate, intelligent and useful book, Jeff Wetzler teaches us how to do just that… And learning how to ask others what they truly think, know, and feel has never been more important.” [Excerpted from Foreword]―
“我很高兴为这本非凡的新书提供一些开篇想法,关于从我们周围的人那里学习我们最需要了解的东西的挑战……在这本可读性强、富有同情心、聪明且有用的书中,杰夫·韦茨勒 (Jeff Wetzler) 教我们如何做到这一点……学习如何询问他人他们真正的想法、知识和感受从未如此重要。 [摘自前言]―Amy Edmondson 艾米·埃德蒙森, Harvard Business School Professor & author of The Fearless Organization & Right Kind of Wrong
“Jeff has worked alongside some of the foremost experts on group dynamics, including Chris Argyris, David Kantor, and Diana Smith. He has not only applied the insights he gained from these thought leaders in his own leadership across multiple organizations but also integrated them to develop his own distinctive point of view. This book does a masterful job of bridging theory and practice, offering invaluable guidance to any leader who seeks to build a culture of curiosity, creativity, and continuous learning. “―
“Jeff 曾与一些最重要的群体动力学专家合作,包括 Chris Argyris、David Kantor 和 Diana Smith。他不仅将从这些思想领袖那里获得的见解应用于他自己在多个组织的领导中,而且还将它们整合起来以发展自己独特的观点。这本书在将理论与实践联系起来方面做得非常出色,为任何寻求建立好奇心、创造力和持续学习文化的领导者提供了宝贵的指导。”